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Cryptomeria is a monotypic genus of conifer in the cypress family Cupressaceae, formerly belonging to the family Taxodiaceae. It includes only one species, Cryptomeria japonica. It used to be considered by some to be endemic to Japan, where it is known as Sugi.

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Cryptomeria jap. 'Compressa'
cont. 2,0L
Cryptomeria jap. 'Kitayama'
80-100 cm cont. 5,0L
Cryptomeria jap. 'Rasen'
50-60 cm cont. 3,0L
Cryptomeria jap. 'Yokohama'
cont. 2,0L
Cryptomeria jap. 'Yokohama'
20-25 cm cont. 3,0L
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